Useful information
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Before the trip
In the terminal
Aviation services
Non-aviation services
Fields marked with (*) must be completed
Which VIP & Business Services do you choose? *
Choose the flight option*
Aircraft type
Add more passengers?
Please mark the services you are interested in
Services provided on request
Services provided on request at an extra charge
How many person welcoming and saying goodbye?
How many vehicles using the car park?
Do you choose additional services for the column?
*service available for maximum 4 passengers
How many passengers ?
Please include the following information. Fields marked with (*) must be completed
Flight details
Preferred room configuration
Location of the stand*
Date of service
Add. promotional campaing
Method of payment /prepayment *
Purchase document *
**If you want to receive the invoice by traditional mail, type TRADITIONAL INVOICE. Pursuant to Article 106n of the Act of March 11, 2004 on Goods and Services Tax (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2024, item 361, as amended), the Ordering Party agrees to receive invoices, invoice duplicates and corrections, issued in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, in an electronic form, in the PDF format (*.pdf). The Ordering Party will only accept invoices issued in an electronic form sent from MPL’s email address to the email address of the Ordering Party provided in the form under the section "email for receiving e-invoices." The Ordering Party agrees to accept paper invoices in the event that any formal or technical obstacles prevent MPL from issuing and sending invoices electronically.
1. Acting pursuant to Paragraph 106n of the Act on Value Added Tax of 11 March 2004 (consolidated text Dz.U. 2021 r., poz. 685.), I agree for Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków – Balice sp. z o.o. (hereinafter: Issuer) to send invoices, duplicate invoices and correcting invoices in an electronic form, as a PDF file. 2. I agree to accept invoices referred to in Article 1 hereof in a paper form in case any formal or technical issues prevent the invoices from being sent electronically. 3. I agree to electronically confirm the receipt of invoices and invoice receipt date. 4. I declare that if the confirmation referred to in Article 3 hereof is not sent, the Issuer is entitled to deem any sent invoices as delivered to the Buyer.
6. Invoices issued and transmitted electronically will be sent from the following email address:
8. This consent and any subsequent changes will take effect from the day following the receipt by the Issuer of invoices of the consent for issuing and sending invoices electronically. 9. In case of a change of email address I agree to notify the Issuer in writing or electronically of the new email address, no later than two working days before the change of address. In case the Issuer is not given the new email address, the Issuer is entitled to deem any sent invoices as delivered to the Buyer. 10. This statement may be withdrawn, as a result of which the Issuer of invoices shall lose the right to issue and send invoices to the Buyer electronically, effective from the day following the receipt of notification of the withdrawal of consent.
The form should be submitted by clicking on the "Submit Form" button.
The form should be submitted by clicking on the "Submit Form" button
Thank you for completing the booking form.
We will contact you within 24 hours at the latest to confirm your booking. If you have any additional questions, please contact: business@krakowairport. pl, +48 12 639 33 04.